Cast and Crew Members


Workshop-Thursday, August 29 2:30-5pm

Learn how to do a British accent, get feedback on your monologues, practice scenes with others, ask any questions you may have, meet the director!

Auditions-Tuesday, September 3 2:30-5:30pm

Audition with a monologue in front of the panel of directors. Cast list emailed by 8pm. You must have filled out the audition packet and contract form to audition. 

Sign up for crew below!

Crafting a Killer

AUDITIONS: THURSDAY 8/29/24 2:30-4:30PM

Anyone cast in this production will be required to attend the Maryland Thespian Festival at Towson University January 24-25. If we are scored state champions, you will also need to attend the International Thespian Festival at the University of Indiana June 22-27. These events do have a registration fee as well as housing. Fundraising opportunities will be available.


Rehearsals will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays 4:30-5:00 following Puffs rehearsals and run throughs in December and January, dates TBD.


When a shadowy intelligence organization finds a way to move a person's consciousness from one body to another, they decide to use the technology to create the perfect undercover operative. However, the eight top candidates for the job don't know this until the day they find themselves locked in a deadly game of constantly-switching personalities. Forced to compete not only for the job, but for the chance to survive, one of the candidates is eliminated every round. But could someone outsmart the rules of the game?